Gluten-Free Fajitas Recipe

Gluten-Free Fajita Recipe

Chef Janet K (Gluten-Free Chef) teaches us how to make the best Fajitas you will ever have! Many people with type 1, type 2, and pre-diabetes have an intolerance to gluten or Celiac disease. Chef Janet is a professional chef who has devoted her cooking business to helping those who cannot or do not want to eat gluten eat healthy without feeling like they have given up “good” food.

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Prediabetes may increase the risk of dimentia.

Pre-Diabetes Linked To Increased Risk Of Dimentia

A new study known as the The Adult Changes In Thought (ACT) was recently published by the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, and affiliate investigator at the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle. They study suggests that even slightly elevated morning fasting blood sugar may be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It has long been believed that having diabetes increases the risk of dementia, but this new study links non-diabetic patients who have even mildly elevated morning fasting glucose levels with their own increased risks.

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senior citizens exercising

Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

Only a few lifestyle choices have as large an impact on your health as physical activity. People who are physically active for about 7 hours a week have a 40 percent lower risk of dying early than those who are active for less than 30 minutes a week.

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Older Woman Exercising

Be Good To Yourself At Least 30 Minutes A Day

Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. Examples include walking briskly, mowing the lawn, dancing, swimming for recreation or bicycling. Stretching and weight training can also strengthen your body and improve your fitness level.

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Chris Cervantes and Roxy The Thoroughbred Horse

The Health Benefits Of Horses

In addition to burning calories and shedding a few pounds from riding you can also lose plenty from just working around horses and helping care for them. There are lots of things to do when it comes to caring for horses that do not involve riding. Horses are great therapy for someone dealing with pre-diabetes or any serious medical condition because they can bring an overall balance in a person’s life and also have a positive effect on demeanor. They have a way of teaching us responsibility that makes responsibility fun; they trust and teach us to trust, and for riders they will teach you humbleness and humility. That definitely has a positive effect on a person for sure.

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Excess belly fat is a risk factor for prediabetes.

Low-carb dieter? Weight loss stalled? Try these tips to help you get back to shedding the pounds.

You are working hard to drop your weight. You are following your diet, exercising, and yet the scale is not showing any new losses. Family, friends, even your own doctor might blame you and ask if you have been cheating. Or, tell you to just be patient when it is not about patience as much as it is the fear of and doubt that you ever meet your goal. Here are tips to help troubleshoot your low carb diet habits and get back to losing weight.

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New Wendy’s App To Help Manage your Calories

Whether they’re on their lunch break or in our drive-thru line, customers looking for nutrition guidance can use our mobile app to easily customize meals that are right for them. The nutrition information section on Wendy’s website is the most visited area, especially before meal time. Like the website, this app gives customers the information they need to make good meal choices.

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Pre-Diabetes News Updates

ADA Calls For Support Critical Diabetes Funding

The National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) will save both lives and money only if it is expanded to communities around the country. However, the Prevention Fund is still being threatened. Members of the House of Representatives will vote again this week on whether to fully repeal this vital fund, gutting efforts to improve our nation’s health. Here is how you can help.

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Pre-Diabetes News Updates

366 Million People Have Diabetes

According to The International Diabetes Federation the number of people with diabetes is 366 million people, and the majority of those have type 2 diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetes which onsets rapidly, usually over days or only a few weeks. type 2 diabetes does not occur overnight; it often takes many years to advance from pre-diabetes to full blown type 2 diabetes.

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