The Alkaline Diet Book Review

Diet Review and Overview: Acid-Alkaline Diet

This diet (popular among celebrities) claims to help your body maintain your blood ph level to ward off disease. Research strongly suggests that food has little impact on blood ph as your body is constantly adjusting levels on its own without our help. However, whether or not this diet does what it claims (helps you lose weight, avoid cancer and arthritis among other claims) the food choices allowed on this diet are quite healthy.

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Diet Books and Lifestyle Plan Reviews

Diet Review and Overview: Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Dr. Andrew Weil created this diet with the idea that by following a special diet you can help counteract chronic inflammation that is the root cause of many serious diseases. He claims his diet may have a positive impact on preventing or improving symptoms of: Heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, Age-related disorders, including many cancers, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

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Diet Books and Lifestyle Plan Reviews

Diet Review and Overview: HMR Diet

This diet plan focuses on teaching you how to make healthy food decisions about the way you eat and how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables while losing weight. The plan involves reducing calories by using shakes (and other HMR products) as a meal replacement. The plan is most effective when you participate in the supervised program.

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Diet Books and Lifestyle Plan Reviews

Diet Review and Overview: Abs Diet

This diet can seem a little overwhelming at first, but it will teach you a lot about food and get you thinking about what you are eating. It is important to note that this diet is specifically designed to try and attack belly fat and give you a nice 6-pack abdomen so you must do the exercise part of the plan as well.

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