From stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, to ketosis, dehydration, sodium, and citric acid; here are 5 ways diet soda could be stalling your diet or even causing you to gain weight.
Reuters Health reported on the study that showed the men under several different sleep scenarios, including curtailed sleep, no sleep, and normal sleep over several days. Study measures included changes in how much the study participates ate, their blood sugar, hormone levels and indicators of their metabolic rate like oxygen…
Dr. Atkins explains very simply why you may need to increase your fat intake if you are not losing weight on his plan: "it takes fat to burn fat." Here are heart healthy fats to increase to help you decrease.
Low carb diet stalled? Drink more water. Really. When your low carb diet is failing you, the first place to look (we assume you know when you are cheating on carbs) is at your water intake. The number one "non-cheating" reason people stall on low carb diets is because they…
Amy Tenderich, a well respected blogger about diabetes wrote an article worth reading, "10 Reasons Why the Actos Pre-Diabetes study is Dumb.". I want to point out that the Actos study is not an isolated "dumb" study. Her article also prompted me to want to point out something that really…
To move glucose from the blood stream into cells, the body needs to make insulin. If you have pre-diabetes, your body might not make the right amount of insulin, or it may resist the action of insulin (insulin resistance). This can lead to weight gain, unstable blood sugars, and other…