Medical Glossary of terms relating to metabolic disorders and diseases including pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, diabetes, PCOS, metabolic syndrome X, and more...
Glossary of medical terms - Letter A: A1C to Avandia...
Pre-diabetes Glossary of medical terms - Letter B - Background retinopathy to bunion...
Glossary of medical terms - Letter C - Callus to cystic fibrosis related diabetes...
Glossary of medical terms - Letter D - Dawn Phenomenon Dupuytren's Contracture....
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of medical terms - Letter E - Edeman, Euglycemia to Exchange lists...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter F - 50/50 Insulin, Fasting Glucose ... fructosamine test
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter G - gangrene, glycemic index, glycogen...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter H - Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hypotension...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter I - IDDM, insulin, insulin resistance, islet cell transplantation, islets of langerhans...
Jet Injector: A device that uses high pressure instead of a needle to propel insulin through the skin and into the body. While not commonly used to treat diabetes, jet injectors are commonly used to give vaccinations to larges groups of people...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter K - Ketoacidosis, ketones, ketogenic diet, (urine) ketone test, ketosis...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter L - latent autoimmune diabetes in Adults (LADA) long-acting insulin, low blood sugar, low carb diet...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter M - Metabolism, MODY...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter N - nerve disease, neuropathy, novolog, nph...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter O - Oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT, oral hypoglycemic agent...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter P - PAD, PCOS, peripheral vascular disease...
No terms are listed at this time for the letter Q.
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter R - retinopathy, Rosiglitazone...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter S - Somogyi Effect, subcutaneous, syringe...
Pre-Diabetes Glossary of Medical Terms - Letter T - Triglyceride , type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes ...