New to testing your blood sugar for pre-diabetes? Here is a list of words relating to blood glucose testing to help you get started.
The BMI is a measurement of the ratio between height and weight. It is not an accurate tool to determine if someone is overweight or at risk for pre-diabetes. A more accurate method of determining metabolic health risks is calculating waist-to-hip ratio...
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a term to describe when a person has elevated blood sugar (blood glucose) in response to eating. IGT is diagnosed when blood sugar levels are not normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. IGT is one reason why a person may be…
Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is a term to describe when a person has elevated blood sugar (blood glucose) in the morning before eating or drinking.
A person who is insulin resistant usually produces higher levels of insulin from the pancreas than is normal or healthy. Over production of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) can aggravate or trigger other health problems including infertility, weight gain, bloating, poor lipid profiles, and hormonal imbalances. Hyperinsulinemia also increases the risk of more…
What is an oral glucose tolerance test? What does it show? Does an OGTT hurt? What do my test results mean? Learn about the oral glucose tolerance test and why your doctor may order the test for you...
An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is usually done between the second and third trimester of pregnancy when the greatest amount of insulin resistance occurs. This test measures blood glucose (sugar)Â levels four or five times over a three-hour period. Prior to the test, the woman must not eat or drink…
The term "normal" blood sugars applies to a set of standards recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). From time to time these standards have been adjusted to more adequately diagnose diabetes and pre-diabetes... The most recent changes in ADA standards lowered the thresholds for diagnosing diabetes and for diagnosing…
A glucose challenge test is given to pregnant women to see if she may have gestational diabetes. The glucose challenge test measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in the mother's blood stream. The woman's body is "challenged" by having the woman drink a glucose solution and...
A morning fasting blood glucose test measures blood glucose (also called blood sugar) after you have been fasting over night for at least 8 hours. A blood sample is drawn in the doctor's office or lab in the morning before you eat. This test is done to check to see…
A skin tag is a benign (non-cancerous) skin growth that can occur on the body or face. They can be are smooth or wrinkled, skin-colored or just slightly darker than skin color, and vary in size and can grow as large as a big grape.
A healthy pancreas makes insulin and digestive enzymes that help the body use food. Spread all over the pancreas are clusters of cells called the islets of Langerhans. Islets are made up of two main types of cells that play an important role in diabetes...
Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the Islets of Langerhans in the beta cells of the pancreas. Without insulin (either made by your body or injected insulin if you do not make enough insulin on your own) you cannot maintain normal blood sugar levels and your blood sugar…
The term euglycemia means normal blood glucose (or, blood sugar). It is also referred to as normoglycemia. See chart of Normal, Pre-Diabetic and Diabetic Blood Sugar Ranges...
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is (usually) a benign skin condition typically characterized by hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin pigment) often accompanied by a velvety change in texture of the skin that is affected. Acanthosis nigricans is often seen in obese patients with insulin resistance and is often associated with pre-diabetes and type…