The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates more than 1 in 3 Americans (all ages) have prediabetes. While those statistics are sufficiently alarming on their own, certain states have even higher prevalence of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Health Video: Why is India becoming the diabetic capital of the world? Dr Rajiv Kovil is a diabetologist and founder of the Diabetes care center. In this video he talks to us about why diabetes has become a serious health problem in India any how he believes the disorder is…
Pre-diabetes Health Video - Dr. Handelsman shares the changes a woman with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes should incorporate into her life. 56 million people in the United States have impaired glucose intolerance and most patients are not being given information on how to manage their condition. Women (and men)…
Health Video - Information About Monitoring For Pre-Diabetes. Discovering diabetes in its earliest stages can prevent the development of full-blown diabetes. Pre-diabetes is when blood sugar levels are elevated, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. People with pre-diabetes may be able to take steps to avoid getting…
A study published in the British Medical Journal in October of 2013 revealed that exercise is as good as medication to treat people with coronary heart disease and prediabetes and superior to in the treatment of stroke. This was a very large study that analyzed 305 studies that included 340,000…
One of the reasons why lifestyle changes often work even better than drugs is that there are minute-to-minute changes in how much blood sugar your body needs to produce . . . if you just take a medication once or twice or even 3 or 4 times a day, it…
More than 50 million Americans are per-diabetic; meaning they have elevated blood pressure and blood sugar. Those higher numbers put people at risk for type two diabetes which can lead to a lifetime of expensive and time consuming medical care. Diabetes educator Cindy Mathiasen explains the importance of knowing your…
How do you know if you have pre-diabetes? What can you do to prevent diabetes in yourself or a loved one? Watch this video to learn the warning signs of pre-diabetes and important steps to take to protect your health.
Julie Husmann, MSM, RD, CDE, Holland Hospital Center for Good Health discusses the influence of weight on blood sugar, the effect of physical activity on blood sugar and weight control, and how to incorporate physical activity into even the busiest of lifestyles. The benefits of enjoying an abundance of healthy,…
CBS Reports On The Dangers Of Some Diabetes Treatment Drugs. A major diabetes study has found that common treatments don't reduce heart trouble and some may actually cause harm. Elaine Quijano speaks with Russ Mitchell about this revealing study.
In this interview with Dr. Oz, he shares tips on how to tell if you are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. One test that he demonstrates is to measure your waist (the video shows were to measure your waist.) If your waist size is more than half…
Health Video: Tom Hanks: From Pre-Diabetes To Type 2 Diabetes, By Sunnybrook Hospital. Actor Tom Hanks has announced that he has Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Julia Lowe, Head of Sunnybrook's Division of Endocrinology, explains the differences between pre-diabetes and diabetes and what can be done to manage the conditions.
Health Video - Pre Diabetes Symptoms - Quick 2 Minute Summary. A text-based video that discusses what pre-diabetes is and the symptoms of pre-diabetes.
Video by Dr Rajiv Kovil a diabetologist and founder of the Diabetes care center. He talks to us about diabetes and how you can treat it. He also tells us about the possible symptoms of the condition and what you can do about it.
The epidemic of pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome are covered in this video highlighting topics addressed at a prediabetes conference in Barcelona in 2007. Included are answers to FAQS about lifestyle changes, weight loss, and what you can do to help your children.