The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nutrition Facts label appears on most packaged foods (see Figure 1). It tells you how many calories and servings are in a box or can. The serving size varies from product to product. A portion is how much food you choose to eat…
Whether they're on their lunch break or in our drive-thru line, customers looking for nutrition guidance can use our mobile app to easily customize meals that are right for them. The nutrition information section on Wendy's website is the most visited area, especially before meal time. Like the website, this…
If you are eating a lot of artificial or prepared low carb foods and snacks, you may be eating more carbohydrates than you think. Here is the skinny on net carbs, what they are, and why you need to count more than just the net carbs if you want to…
The glycemic effect of foods depends on a number of factors such as the type of starch, fat content of the food and increased acidity of the meal - adding vinegar, cheese, or peanut butter, for example, will lower the GI. A low GI food will release energy slowly and…
The USDA MyPlate daily nutritional guidelines for the number of servings of dairy products we need each day depend on the age of the person. In general, kids 9 years and older up through adults need 3 cups of dairy per day.
In general, 1 cup of milk, yogurt, or soymilk (soy beverage), 1 ½ ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese can be considered as 1 cup from the Dairy Group. Under the USDA's guidelines, eggs are part of the protein group and butter is not considered a…
According to the USDA's new nutritional guidelines for vegetables, daily choices should be selected from among the vegetable subgroups but it is not necessary to eat vegetables from each subgroup daily. However, over a week, try to consume the amounts listed from each subgroup as a way to reach your…
In general, 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the Vegetable Group. The chart lists specific amounts that count as 1 cup of vegetables (in some cases equivalents for ½ cup are also…
According the the USDA's new Choose MyPlate nutritional guidelines, most Americans eat enough food from this group, but need to make leaner and more varied selections of these foods.
The USDA's MyPlate nutritional guidelines for protein. Beans and nuts used to be a separate item on the food pyramid, now they are included under protein in the new MyPlate guidelines.
According to the new USDA MyPlate nutritional guidelines, the amount of grains you need to eat depends on your age, sex, and level of physical activity. Recommended daily amounts are listed in the chart. Most Americans consume enough grains, but few are whole grains.
The USDA food suggests Americans cut back on grains. This chart shows what counts as a serving of grains under the new USDA MyPlate nutritional guidelines.
According to the new MyPlate USDA program the amount of fruit you need to eat depends on age, sex, and level of physical activity. Recommended daily amounts are shown in the chart.
The new USDA MyPlate nutritional guidelines for fruit. Chart showing what counts as 1 cup of fruit. Believe it or not 1/2 an apple now = 1 cup of fruit under the new USDA nutritional guidelines.