Because knowledge is power.
Blood Glucose Monitoring - Medical Encyclopedia

Blood Glucose Testing Terminology

Alternate Site:  Testing anywhere other than your finger tips. Not all meters can accommodate alternate testing so be sure to read all the instructions that come with your particular meter. Unless a meter is specifically designed for alternative site testing always use fingertips instead.  Most experts recommend using fingertips for all meters to get the most accurate results.

Blood Glucose:  The medical term for the type of sugar found in the blood stream.  Your body converts food into glucose which is then transported into your blood stream.

Hypoglycemia:  Low blood glucose. Any reading 70 mm/dL is considered low for people who have diabetes or who are taking medications to lower blood glucose and should be promptly treated.   What is hypoglycemia?

Hyperglycemia:  High blood glucose levels. Depending upon when the reading is taken if your blood glucose is higher than a certain range you may have diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, or pre-diabetes.  What is hyperglycemia?

Glucose Meter:  A device used to test blood glucose levels.  Also called blood glucose monitor.  Related reading:  Why You Should Register Your Blood Glucose Meter

Illustrated Guide – How to Test Your Blood Sugar

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Lancet:  The needle portion inside a lancing device that pricks the skin to draw blood. Some lancets can be used without a lancing device. These are commonly used in doctor’s offices.

Lancing Device:  The device that is used to hold the lancet for pricking the finger. Lancing devices have “auto” eject features when you are ready to change the needle and come in various needle widths and lengths.  Learn more:  Information About Lancets and Lancing Devices

Test Kit:  Used to describe the combination of a glucose meter, lancing device, and test strips. May also include fast acting sugars and glucagon.

Test Strips and Test Drums:  All meters use blood in some way to test and return blood glucose readings. Strips are either inserted into the meter or a drum is inserted into the meter that houses test areas.