Chart Comparing Metabolic Problems and Types of Diabetes
FAQs About Pre-Diabetes
- Is it pre-diabetes or prediabetes?
- What is pre-diabetes?
- How is pre-diabetes diagnosed?
- What tests are used to diagnose pre-diabetes?
- What blood sugar ranges are normal, pre-diabetic, and diabetic?
- What is impaired fasting glucose (IFG)?
- What is impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)?
- Are all people with pre-diabetes overweight?
- How does eating food affect blood glucose (blood sugar) and insulin production?
- Who should be tested for pre-diabetes?
- Is pre-diabetes the same thing as Insulin Resistance Syndrome?
FAQS About Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome X
- What is insulin resistance?
- Why does insulin resistance cause weight gain?
- What is Insulin Resistance Syndrome (aka Metabolic Syndrome X)?
- Can you be insulin resistant and still have normal blood sugars?
- How is insulin resistance diagnosed?
- What tests can tell me if I have insulin resistance?
- Who should be tested for insulin resistance?
- What is the difference between a syndrome and a disease?
- Is pre-diabetes as disease or a syndrome?
FAQS About Medical Tests
- What is a fasting glucose test?
- What is an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)?
- What is a glucose challenge test?
About Type 2 Diabetes