Can insulin resistance make you gain weight easier?

Why does insulin resistance cause weight gain?

People with insulin resistance often make too much insulin in response to eating. They may also produce too much insulin in order to maintain normal blood sugar (blood glucose) levels. The body cannot excrete excess insulin made by the pancreas; excess insulin is stored as fat in the body. This is just one of the reasons why people with insulin resistance gain weight more easily than those who are not insulin resistant…

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I object. Diabetes is not the “fat people” disease.

Amy Tenderich, a well respected blogger about diabetes wrote an article worth reading, “10 Reasons Why the Actos Pre-Diabetes study is Dumb.”. I want to point out that the Actos study is not an isolated “dumb” study. Her article also prompted me to want to point out something that really needs to be said: Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes are NOT a “fat people” disease…

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What is a woosh?

Definition of Whoosh: The word “woosh” is a popular term among low carb lifestylers used to describe any sudden drop in weight. An interesting thing about the woosh phenomenon and low carb dieting is that dieters may still go down in size (lose inches) without seeing a change in the scale numbers at the same time. This is …

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